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Internal trainings

The company “HRM Training” expands the spectrum of services of “Personalo valdymo grupė” having gathered and brought together qualified lecturers different fields who have got many years of experience in conducting training and work.

The vision of “HRM Training”:
A day of training “saves” a month of searching: avoid experimenting with your team, products and services which may be interesting but useless both to you and the market.

A training cycle prepared according to your needs guarantees that you will have the structures to pursue your goals for a year and will not wander aimlessly trying to coordinate everyone’s interests.

The mission of “HRM Training”:
We do not perform miracles, only promote discoveries: what should be done differently?
We do not attempt to charm you but teach you to find solutions, provide you with knowledge and develop skills required in specific situations of your work.

Duration of seminars:
we organize practical seminars lasting 8, 16, 24 and more academic hours including “homework”, i.e. tasks for individual work, according to the objectives set. Depending on the topic, 65-70 % of the time of a seminar is devoted to practice; the remaining 30-35 % of the time of a seminar is devoted to theory.

During a seminar, the greatest attention is paid to the participants’ practical experience. Practical tasks are created with regard to the participants’ specific needs, questions and problems as well as the particular business field.

The objective of the practice is to expand one’s viewpoint concerning the issues being examined, to find solutions applicable to one’s situation as well as to acquire new skills.

Methods applied in a seminar:
Specific situations: filming realistic situations and analysis of video material.
Practical tasks and skill-forming exercises.
Analysis of more complicated cases occurring in organizations.
Role plays.
Presentation of information and test results.
Group tasks. Discussions and work in small groups.
Tests, questionnaires for self-analysis. Tools for planning personal activity.

We prepare internal training programs for the employees of the individual company, so that the training is best suited to the organization’s particular needs. That is why we first of all assess your and your employees’ needs for improvement.

Number of participants in internal training: from 5 to 17 people.

Before a seminar, we analyze the participants’ needs for improvement: we collect the questions which are the most topical to the participants of the seminar as well as problematic situations before the seminar, we base ourselves on the results of a “secret client” investigation and the image of your product/ service/ organization in the market.

We prepare training with regard to your personal objectives and interests as well as those of the company you represent, so you yourself may choose the topics you want to improve and go deep into. It is competent people, motivated to work, who are the greatest treasure and weapon of your company in the competitive arena.

What else you get:
Training abroad. If the people employed by your organization work in several countries, we organize training abroad as well; besides, we can conduct seminars not only in Lithuanian and Russian but also in English and German.

Combining different training forms. E.g., individual consultation, in-house seminars, open seminars, sales monitoring, coaching, and again – an internal seminar with an action plan and continued consultations.

Seminars – conferences: 2-4 lecturers in different fields, participate in one seminar so that you could obtain answers to any questions you may have.

We can offer “Personalo valdymo grupė” training halls in any town in Lithuania. In the case of a continuing cycle of seminars, when the dates are coordinated in advance, we grant the hall for seminars free of charge.

Lecturers’ competence.
E.g. people who have managed sales teams and who themselves have sold even “air” for 12 years will teach you to sell. People who carry out over 140 successful selections per year will teach you the trade of selections. A lawyer who wins his cases will advise you on legal issues. The doyens of their appropriate fields will help you with public relations and marketing. A professional actor and bard will instruct you on public speaking, while an expert who prepares people for military missions will teach you stress management...

Our lecturers are not merely lecturers – they do their job and are practitioners in their fields of work, they are aware of the topics of the day concerning business and the management of public organizations.

Dominikonų st. 5, LT-01131, VILNIUS
Tel.: +370 5 212 7515 +370 607 89800
Fax: +370 5 2127514


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